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First posted Tuesday 19 May 2015
Fowl Play

Animal Rights Group campaign for name change.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) want to change the name of Ye Olde Fighting Cocks, said to be the oldest pub in England, to Ye Olde Clever Cocks.

The animal-loving campaign group said that it would "reflect compassion for animals" and be in celebration of "intelligent, sensitive chickens".

The group concluded their letter by saying, "When it comes to chickens, be a lover, not a fighter – go faux, not foe!"

So Carlton Ware World is in a dilemma. Should we change the name of Carlton Ware's FIGHTING COCKS pattern to comply?

No offense to PETA, or indeed chickens, is intended with the depiction of this exotic pattern on the plaque below.

Cock Tale Time

I've often wondered if the use of the birds on cocktail cups was Cuthbert Wiltshaw, the owner of Carlton Ware, being playful. A set of these sat in his oak paneled office at Copeland Street. Perhaps they were used for special guests?

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