Exotic birds abounded in Carlton Ware Best Ware patterns from the 1920s onwards. Above are three examples of NEW CHINESE BIRD & CLOUD, introduced around 1930 and designed by Enoch Boulton.
We would like to thank Chris Rutter for sending us the beautiful images of the first two vases above using matt WEDGWOOD BLUE (3320) and matt CHOCOLATE (3321) grounds. The third picture shows the pattern on a POWDER BLUE ground (3322). Untypically, the pattern numbers, given in brackets, are sequential.
This bird decoration began life as NEW CHINESE BIRD 3304, which was part of Carlton Ware's HANDCRAFT range. The exotic feathered creature has the appearance of being totally freehand painted although its black outline was printed. Some examples, such as that shown right, have a wide, freehand painted zig-zag border; others used a two-colour dentil border that can be seen on the inside of the vase illustrated here.
NOTE: Factory pattern names are shown in BOLD UPPER CASE, for example, MIKADO. Names given by Carlton Ware World's long-standing naming committee and now in general use are just Capitalised Bolde.g. Heron & Magical Tree. Ranges and colours named by Carlton Ware are printed in UPPER CASE e.g HANDCRAFT and POWDER BLUE.