Carlton Ware World banner

The backstamps in this column represent those most used though there are many more.

Welcome to Carlton Ware World

Announcements & recent additions

Parts of this website are being recoded to bring it up to date.

Note : Some pages are not available but will be reinstated when I have time.

Chinoiserie patterns

TEMPLE pagoda

Part Two about Best Ware patterns with dedicated borders is now complete.
It lists nine articles featuring  Horace Wain's Chinoiserie patterns introduced during his tenure at the Carlton Works roughly between 1913 and 1922.
The articles include more of Barb's beautiful borders.

To view, click or tap on the image on the right. ❑

Barb's Borders

Wheel Borders

2024 is the Year of the Dragon. But here at Carlton Ware World,
it is going to be the
Year of the Border.

Over the next months, courtesy of Melbourne based Barbara Anne Lee, I feature the many borders created for Carlton Ware's Best Ware patterns. Some of these were highly elaborate.

We begin with the general borders that were used on many patterns over decades. Be impressed by Barb's excellent work by a
click or tap on the image on the right. ❑

Bunny teaset box label


Read about the Carlton Ware
Our Treasures toy tea sets. Featuring Princess Elizabeth, who became Queen Elizabeth II.
Click or tap on the label on the left. ❑

CWW Facebook Group

I invite you to join the Facebook Group that I also run, not to be confused with this companion website. The Group is Private and you will find it attractive and easy to use, as well as useful.

The Group name is Carlton Ware World on Facebook

Join our Fecwbook Group

It is packed with new information and wonderful pictures and you will also be able to show us what you've got! ❑

Buying, selling or promotion is not allowed and we do not give valuations. These stipulations are typical for similar groups.

Use this site as a springboard to all things Carlton Ware on the Web.

Just click or tap on the topics to the left to see what we have to offer.

This website is image rich and is intended to be viewed on devices with larger screens such as tablets, laptops and desktops.
Although it can be viewed on smartphones you will get a poorer viewing experience.

Carlton Ware World © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.