Typographic Conventions used on this website.
They are easy peasy!
In order to distinguish between pattern names and shape names, which sometimes get mixed up, I use the following naming convention:
For Patterns:
Pattern names as used at the Carlton Works are printed in BOLD UPPERCASE - e.g. WILLOW. Pattern names in Bold Lowercase - e.g. Nankin have been given by a long-standing naming committee or named elsewhere and in general use.
For Shapes:
Factory given shape names, including names of SALAD WARE ranges, are printed in UPPERCASE - e.g. LETTUCE & TOMATO. Those in Lowercase have been named by me - e.g. Clam/Scallop Shell, Embossed Plums....
Pattern versus shape numbers:
These are also easily confused, so when a shape number is given, it is preceded by a capital S e.g. S2041.
When a colour is named in pattern records, I use CAPITAL letters, e.g. POWDER BLUE, RUBY LUSTRE, GREEN.